Work with the Plant Healers
This is an intensive program that takes you deep into the practice of healing with plants.
In this program you will:
- Open up, work with and explore your own higher senses, with a primary focus on Clairvoyance.
- Connect Deeply with Plants to understand who they are and what they offer as Healers
- Become a facilitator for self-healing.
- Explore Herbal Medicine
- Explore Flower Essences
- Explore Essential Oils
- and lightly explore Homeopathy
The nature of this program is to take you deep into the energy of each plant in a 108 plant Western Herbal Materia Medica. The Materia Medica is your plant toolbox. As you connect deeply with each plant you will gain the most powerful connection with and understanding of a plant’s healing abilities and this will make you a strong facilitator in supporting the healing of others. You will learn how to ‘see’ the way in which each plant interacts within the whole being (physical, emotional, mental, spiritual and energetic bodies plus the chakra system) giving you a deep and rich holistic approach to health and wellness.
Understanding the personality, properties and power of each plant as well as truly knowing them through powerful energetic connection will give you the ability to tap into their Divine knowledge and wisdom for healing and guidance.
This is a 3 year program taught primarily via tele-conference and on-line study. We may have a number of in person weekends and retreats. These weekends will expand and deepen your knowledge, but if you cannot attend them, we will find a way to share the information (either via conferencing or recording.) The participation cost of these events is not included in your program fee.
Please note, this program is currently not ‘accredited’ by any organization. If this is important to you, then you should look for a different program.
Combine both the Minister and Botanical Minister Programs for a deep understanding of Spirituality, Nature, plant medicine and supporting the Spiritual Journeys of others. Botanical Ministers are not conferred with the ability to perform services such as Marriages.
Year 1:
This course begins with the year-long Living As Spirit Program.
Most classes will be via webinar and will be available if you miss them.
Expect to have two classes per week – our Topic class and our Reading Class, plus reading time to study the 108 Plant Healers.
Topic Class will focus on learning and using energetic tools to help move you into a space of Living As Spirit
Reading Class teaches you how to read the energies of others, which not only gives you insight into your own healing and growth, but also teaches to be ‘neutral’ and to see energy clearly. This piece tends to activate lots of pictures and energy that facilitates your own growth and healing. As Botanical Ministers, we are asked to not only be a conduit between individual and the Plant Healers, but to also dive deeply into our own healing, health and wellness.
We will also plan to have at least one group session monthly to explore and look at the Plant Healers for that month.
This is an experiential program designed to help you step into a deep path of conscious living, self awareness and self-healing.
Year 2:
In your second year you will continue to explore you own healing and growth while expanding your information to include the ability to support the healing and growth of others.
You will continue to study the 108 Plant Healers
There will be two classes per week – Reading and you will split off into the Botanical Ministers class which will further explore your own growth as well as understanding how the Plant Healers work together and learning how to be a facilitator with people and animals.
Year 3:
In your third year you will continue to explore your own healing and growth and begin to support the healing and growth of those who are seeking to connect with Plant Healers.
Through out this 3-year program we will monitor your progression and hold periodic assessments to help guide and support you.
We must be confident that you have mastered the course work and information and that you have creating your own Spiritual practice, in alignment with the doctrine, creed and mission of The Church of Nature. If you show-up in your course work over the three years, we have no doubt that you will complete this program in alignment.
Through out the time-frame of the program you will be required to read, research, write and explore a collection of topics. These experiences will help to deepen your understanding of the physical body and of the ways in which cultures have interacted with the Plant Healers throughout the ages. Assignments will be given on a student-by-student basis to help each student maximize their learning experience. All assignments must be completed in order to graduate.
Cost of the Program
The total cost of the program is $4,500 and is broken into 3 parts.
The first and second year costs are $1800 and the third year is $900.
You can pay in full for each year as you step into it, or you can use one of the payment plans and pay in two payment, 3 payments, 4 payments or monthly. There is no surcharge for using the payment plans.
What if I can’t or don’t want to finish?
We have set the program up like this because we know with any Spiritual Growth process, sometimes a little is enough and we don’t want you to be out of pocket for something you don’t complete. If you choose to stop talking the program, you will lose access to the course materials, but will retain access to the 108 Monographs of The Plant Medica. If you pay for the year in full, there will be no refund if you choose to stop talking the program by or after mid-year. You may also choose to put your course on hold. We will pause your course and you can come back when you are ready, just let us know. Please note though you may be required to start over to dust off the cob-webs (at no extra charge.)
If you have questions about the program, please email us.
Who Should Participate?
Anyone who is interested in deepening their connection with Nature, of expanding their own consciousness and living life consciously and fully. We suggest that you be flexible and not a stickler for exactness, although many who have been have completed our programs with a result of tremendous growth. The nature of this work equates to shifts and changes, not only within ourselves, but within each program as students progress. We do not hold a ridged curriculum so that we can allow for growth, but always teach with the end goal of sharing the information we set out to share.
What will I be able to do when I am finished?
As a Botanical Minister of The Church of Nature you will be able to counsel individuals on their own journeys to self-healing sharing with them your knowledge of Plant Healers. Our practice is to empower individuals to embrace their own healing and to see ourselves as facilitators and a support mechanism.
To remain a Botanical Minister of The Church of Nature in good standing, you will be required to pay a yearly dues currently set at $150. Your dues provide you with courses throughout the year designed to help support you as a facilitator of Plant Healing.
As a Botanical Minister of The Church of Nature, can I marry people and perform services?
Our Botanical Ministers do not have the authority to perform marriages or services. If you would like to combine your Botanical Ministers program with the Ministers Program, you can do that as an add-on. This will give you an even deeper understanding of the work that you are setting out to do and deeply nourish you along the way. You can participate in both programs for an additional $600 yearly or $50 per month. There is a special Course offering that allows you to add on the Ministers Program when you register.
Is there a test at the end?
As we will be bestowing the title of Botanical Minister upon you, you will be required to pass a test to complete the program. The test may be written, oral and/or practical in nature. Our goal will be to ensure that you embody the knowledge and tools to faithfully fulfill your role as a Botanical Minister of The Church of Nature.
What if I don’t finish the program in three years?
If you can’t complete the program within the three years (all 108 monographs and assigned course work must be completed and you must have mastered the tools taught you within the program) you can extend your program for an additional yearly fee of $500